Tuesday, July 23, 2013

So, this is blogging!

After many failed starts, I am finally taking a huge leap and "blogging."

First off, by no means am I an "expert" on well...anything.  I have always loved eating.  It wasn't until this past year that I've taught myself to love cooking.

My husband was deployed to Afghanistan for the second time and I was determined to teach myself how to cook.  It was during this time that I (like much of the world) discovered, loved and became obsessed with Pinterest.  I started pinning recipes left and right.  Anything that made me salivate was pin worthy.  Hundreds of pins later, I realized I should probably try cooking something.  So I did...and it just so happened to be a paleo recipe AND it was delicious!  So starts my paleo love affair.  It was from that point on that I started seeking out "paleo" recipes, not really knowing what (or who?) paleo was.  All I knew was I could cook "it" and "it" was delicious!  I know...not nearly as cool as some of the more serious paleo-ers but it has worked for me and in my opinion makes the paleo lifestyle all the more livable.

My intent for this blog is to share with you the recipes I cook at home.  The good, bad and ugly.  If a recipe or one of my adaptations sucks, I'll tell you (after all, don't you think only one of us should waste ingredients?)  This whole "blogging" venture is a learning process for me so I hope you'll be kind and enjoy it along with me.