Saturday, July 27, 2013

Perfecting pancakes

There seems to be quite a few paleo pancake recipes out there and I swear we've tried them all...ok, that may be a slight exaggeration but we've made quite a few of them.  Some have called for almond flour others coconut. Some claimed unsweetened apple sauce was the wait, it's a ripe mashed, no it's almond butter.  The pictures always look encouraging but when we execute they lack the fluffy texture so desired.  If the taste was on point we could abandon our fluffy notions...but it hasn't been.  They've all been too much of this and not enough of that.  Until today-we finally unearthed a paleo "pancake" recipe that tasted wonderful!  The first batch was a bit of a struggle to determine heat of the pan and the necessary thickness of the batter...I am sad to say, this said first batch went into the garbage as the centers were under cooked while the outsides were over.  The next batch proved edible and oh so tasty! The recipe is not yet perfected as they were very thin, more crepe like than pancake but we are encouraged!

Recipe via Koa Strength 
1.5 cups of almond flour
2t coconut flour
1t baking powder
1t cinnamon
1/2 ripe banana -I used a whole as it was on the small side
4 eggs-as I sit here typing this post I realize why the pancakes weren't thicker...I forgot to add the eggs...yup, that happened. Hmmm, now imagine how amazing this recipe is WITH the eggs! I will have a do over tomorrow morning and report back...I promised honesty and honest I am.  
1 C coconut milk-I used Trader Joe's light
1t vanilla extract
pinch of salt
2T of grass fed ghee-I subbed coconut oil

You will need 2 bowls.  1 for the dry ingredients and 1 for the wet.  The mashed banana gets added to the wet ingredients, don't forget the eggs!  Slowly mix the wet into the dry ingredients.  Pan needs to be set at a low heat. ..this is where I will leave you.  To be continued tomorrow....with eggs.  Oy!

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