Friday, July 26, 2013

Food Fast

Without fail towards the end of the week...we just don't feel like cooking.  Yesterday was that day.  By the time our day brought us back home it was close to 7:00 p.m.  I had pulled out ground beef that morning with every intent of making a Civilized Caveman creation but come the end of the day I just could not find the motivation.  The other problem we found was even our alternative suggestions of burgers...meatballs...just seemed too involved.  So I looked around the kitchen and saw we had a butternut squash on hand.  So we preheated the oven to 400 (time will depend on how big your squash is.  When it can time to eat we just poked it to make sure it was soft.)  Cut the squash in half, scooped out it's seeds and lay it on a cooking sheet and let it cook.  We had half a red onion leftover and a red pepper-so I diced them and threw them into a pan.  I added a clove of diced garlic and let those three ingredients cook until the onions started to soften.  To that I added the ground beef, s & p, and garlic powder, letting everything cook until the meat started to caramelize. We took the butternut squash out of the oven and turned the halves face up to cool some.  Then filled the hole with the meat, onion and pepper mixture and devoured it.

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