Sunday, July 28, 2013

How to eat paleo out

It's easier than you think...hubby and I went out to dinner on Friday in Nashville to an restaurant I've been eyeing ever since we moved here.  I'm sure some of you may have heard the terms "cheat days"...I'm more of the"cheat treat" or in the case of Friday "treats." 

Now when a restaurant is so named Flyte World Dining & Wine we of course had to each start with a red wine flyte.  Paleo or not it was delicious.  As my husband would say "If the cavemen knew about wine they would have totally drank it." So drank it we did.  In honor of the cavemen.  
My hubby is pretty daring when it comes to trying new food.  I can pretty much guarantee if it's different, he'll try it.  He ordered crispy pork rillette (which were like fried, pulled pork meatballs and no they were not paleo.) He also ordered pigs tail, which as much as I love bacon, I could not bring myself to try.  He, however said it was delicious.  I went with the Tomato Salad which featured delicious, in-season, local heirloom tomatoes, sliced cucumbers and red onion.  It also came with a chili vinaigrette and chevre cheese to offset the heat of the dressing (I asked for the cheese on the side and passed it off for the husband's enjoyment.)

 For our main course J.D. ordered the beef flyte which featured bone marrow (which I not only tried but loved) beef cheek (which was roasted and very tender) and coulotte (similar to a filet.) I settled on the king salmon which was served with sliced squash, zucchini and shaved radish.  When my plate arrived I was a little surprised to find my king salmon swimming in some sort of sauce.  I didn't panic, I didn't send my plate back..I adapted and ate my salmon and veggies out of the sauce.  
It's important to remember that when you're outside your own kitchen you can't control everything.  You can only try to make good choices based on your options.  Do the best you can.  It's not the end of the world if you eat dairy or grains.  

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